Tag Archives: family planning


Title: Thirtysomething

Date: 1989

Media type: Television

Format: Episode

TV Season-Episode: 3-42 “New Baby”

Category: Health and Human Sexuality

Keywords: family planning, reproductive health

Rating: NR

Audience(s): College Age, Adults, Couples, Parents

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Cohabiting partners give birth to their first child in an episode that regresses back in time from the delivery to the childbirth preparation and exposes the couples fears, perspective-taking and empathy.

Places to view: Hulu

Contributor: Libby Balter Blume, PhD, CFLE


Title: Parenthood

Date: 1989

Media type: Film

Category: Parenting

Keywords: parenting styles

Rating: PG-13

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults, Parents

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: The families of four adult siblings demonstrate the lighter side of the roller coaster of parenting.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes, Cinnemax

Contributor: Susan Walker

Mad About You

Title: Mad About You

Date: 1996

Media type: Television

Format: Episode

TV Season-Episode: 4-85 “Fertility”

Category: Human Sexuality and Health

Keywords: family planning, reproductive health

Rating: NR

Audience(s): College Age, Adults, Couples

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Paul and Jamie try a new fertility enhancement program in hopes of getting pregnant.

Contributor: Jen Fairbourn