The Office

Title: The Office

Date: 2010

Media type: Television

Format: Episode

TV Season-Episode: Season6,Ep.17

Category: Human Sexuality and Health

Keywords: family planning, reproductive health

Rating: TV-PG

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Jim and Pam are about to have their first child. Part 1 of the 2 part story arc takes place in the run up to the birth. As with most episodes of the office halarity ensues, however the episode takes a more serious tone as the time for Pam to go to the hospital draws nearer.

Clip Start Time: 0.048611111111

Clip Description: The cold open takes place with Jim, Pam, and Dwight all making sales calls. Pam mentions to her client that it is the last time she will be at work before she takes maternaty leave. Dwight finds this tactic to be unfair as she is manipulating her client by using her family life for advantage. Pam and Jim tell Dwight that clients enjoy hearing stories about family. Dwight attempts to take their advice but doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: What are the ethical implications in this clip? Is using ones family for personal (or familial) gain acceptable? What would be different about this clip in a country with paid maternaty leave? Would Pam have to worry about her family’s finances while she is on maternatiy leave if she recieved paid maternity leave?

Contributor: Ian Brunzell-Looney