Pre Departure Blog

My name is Kendall Garvey and I am currently a sophomore at the University of Minnesota. I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Retail Merchandising. I was born in Chicago and currently live in Plymouth, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I enjoy doing yoga during the school year to destress from everyday tasks and prefer running during the summer! My favorite place in the world is my cabin. I spend a lot of time there in the summers participating in activities such as wake surfing, kayaking, gardening and walking my dogs.
When I am abroad, I hope to adapt to changes around me, as well as get to know the Thai culture. I would like to change my perspective and view situations as a local Thai citizen would by the time I return to America. I also hope to detach from social media when I am abroad, and meet many new friends and acquaintances in the different cities. By the end of our travels, my main goal is to absorb the culture and not stick out as a ‘tourist’. Overall, I am looking forward to getting to know a foreign culture and the cities in Thailand.

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