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College of Education and Human Development
End of Term Checklist | Digital Education and Innovation

End of Term Checklist


  • Remind students to complete the Student Rating of Teaching (SRT) and any other course evaluation instruments. The SRT will be available the last two weeks of instruction.

Grade Roster

  • Verify access to your grade roster(s) in MyU – don’t wait until grades are due (see below).

Canvas Gradebook

  • Check to see that you have applied a grading scheme.
  • Review point values and grading schema to make sure they support the grading plan outlined in the syllabus. Verify values for weighted categories, if used.
  • Remove unused assignments or assignment groups in your gradebook.
  • Post grades for all assignments.
  • If using “exclude empty grades” setting, check that all students scores, including zeros, have been entered.
  • Are there Incompletes?
    • If yes, draft a contract for completion for any student with an Incomplete. Make necessary adjustments to course settings so it remains available during the contract period. See U of M grading policy.
    • If there are no Incompletes, edit settings so the course is no longer available to students.

Submit Grades (due dates vary)

Next Term

  • All courses have Canvas sites, which are automatically created four months prior to each semester. There is no need to request one. These course sites will be empty when they are first created. You can either add content within the course shell or copy content from a previous Canvas course or development site.  Unused Canvas sites remain hidden from students.
  • Review the Start of Term Checklist.


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