Category Archives: Family Resource Management

The Queen of Versailles

Title: The Queen of Versailles

Date: 2012

Media type: Documentary

Category: Families in Society, Internal Dynamics of Families, Family Resource Management

Keywords: work and family, family demographics, response to crises, financial management

Rating: PG

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: This documentary follows a once extravigantly wealthy family that has lost the lifestyle they could once afford. It focuses on the dynamic changes as the family has to live with less and less. The father and husband works constantly to try and salvage as much as he can from his once booming time-share business at the expense of time with his wife and children, not that he was very involved before they lost money though. The family struggles to understand the world that they have to start living in, a simpler and less entitled one.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: What roles does wealth play in the family system in this documentary? What do you think these individuals are struggling with the most? How can you relate to them and their situation? What role does the father’s job and business play in the individual family members’ lives? What about in the family system?

Places to view: Amazon Video, Vudu, Itunes, Hulu, Netflix

Contributor: Ian Brunzell-Looney

This American Life

Title: This American Life

Date: 1999

Media type: Podcast

Format: Complete

TV Season-Episode: Family-Business

Category: Families in Society, Family Resource Management

Keywords: work and family, financial management

Rating: NR

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Stories of family businesses are discussed. The pressures of economics on families, especially when the members of the family help to run and manage the business.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: Why do economic pressures tend to harm relationships? Is there truth in the adage that you should never hire family? Why? How would you work with your own family?

Places to view: Hulu

Contributor: Ian Brunzell-Looney


Title: Parenthood

Date: 1989

Media type: Film

Category: Parenting

Keywords: parenting styles

Rating: PG-13

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults, Parents

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: The families of four adult siblings demonstrate the lighter side of the roller coaster of parenting.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes, Cinnemax

Contributor: Susan Walker