Lion King

Title: Lion King

Date: 1994

Media type: Film

Category: Internal Dynamics of Families, Human Growth and Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Parenting

Keywords: family relationship, family functioning, response to crises, adolescence, adulthood, developmental stage, parent-child relationships

Rating: G

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: A young lion Prince is cast out of his pride by his cruel uncle, who claims he killed his father. While the uncle rules with an iron fist, the prince grows up beyond the savannah, living by a philosophy: No worries for the rest of your days. But when his past comes to haunt him, the young Prince must decide his fate: will he remain an outcast, or face his demons and become what he needs to be?

Places to view: Only available through purchase

Contributor: Anonymous