Tag Archives: conflict management

Modern Family

Title: Modern Family

Date: 2012

Media type: Television

Format: Clip

TV Season-Episode: Season 3 episode 24

Category: Families in Society, Internal Dynamics of Families,

Keywords: conflict management, social and cultural influences, communication, stress and coping

Rating: PG

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, College Age, Parents, Couples, Families, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: While Mitch and Cam were practicing for for their daughter’s dance recital, they received a phone call that the pregnant woman that was going to adopt her new born to them had just give birth. Mitch wanted to keep in a secret before telling the rest of the family, but Cam wasn’t able to hold in his excitement minutes later the whole family knew about their adoption. There was a quick meeting with Jay, and although he opposed of the adoption at first, he shared his happiness and support about the great news.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: Discuss how each character feels about the adoption. Is this good stress or bad stress and how can we tell? What problems occur with the news of adoption and how do they over come it?

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Hulu

Contributor: Amy Her

Couple’s Retreat

Title: Couple’s Retreat

Date: 2009

Media type: Film

Format: Clip

Category: Couple and Family Counseling

Keywords: therapy, conflict management, dysfunction

Rating: PG-13

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Couples, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: The movie follows four different couples who go to a tropical island couples retreat to work on their marriages through couple building activities.

Clip Description: This clip is a short montage of each of the couples therapy sessions and the different relational and communication problems they each face.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes

Contributor: Carly Baumann

The Office

Title: The Office

Date: 2013

Media type: Television

Format: Complete

TV Season-Episode: Season 9, Episode 20

“Paper Airplane”

Category: Couple and Family Counseling

Keywords: conflict management

Rating: NR

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: The Dunder-Mifflin Paper company is participating in a paper airplane contest to test out their new paper. We also learn that Jim and Pam, two married employees have begun couples therapy to work out disagreements they have been having involving Jim starting up a new company in Philidadelphia.

Clip Start Time: 2:46-3:28

Clip Description: Jim and Pam describe exercises their couple’s therapist is having them do to work on expressing their feelings and acknowledging each other’s contributions to each other the family

Contributor: Carly Baumann