In a Name?
Cisco, a.k.a. lake
herring and inland tullibee: cisco comes from a French name used for
this fish and similar looking species from the Greak Lakes
Coregonus (co-regg´-on-us)
means angle eye in Greek
artedi (are-ted´-ee)
named after the Swedish naturalist, Peter Artedi

Do They Live?
Cisco is common in Lake Superior, but they also occur in many inland lakes
of the central and northeast lakes region of the state. The cisco is a cold-water
fish that needs well-oxygenated water deep in the lake in summer time. That
usually means the lake cannot be eutrophic (it can't have a lot of nutrients).
So, ciscoes usually do best in deep, clear water lakes. |

Big Do They Get?
Long Do They Live?
The size of cisco is highly variable depending on the lake they come from.
In Cass Lake, for example, they typically reach 300-350 mm (12-14 in)
and about 340 g (.075 lbs). In Lake Itasca they sometimes reach a whopping
600 mm (almost 24 in) nearly 2 kg (4.5 lbs). In Ten Mile Lake they rarely
go beyond 80 mm (3.2 in) and 30 g (1.05 oz).
Do They Eat?
The diet of cisco changes very little as they grow. They begin eating copepods
and small waterfleas and later add bigger waterfleas, midge and ghost midge
larvae. Sometimes they feast on mayflies and caddisflies as they "hatch"
at the water's surface. |
Eats Them?
Young and smaller cisco fall prey to many kinds of piscivorous (fish-eating)
fish, such as northern pike, lake
trout, burbot, yellow
perch, rainbow trout, and walleyes.
Yellow perch, brown bullheads and cisco,
themselves, eat their eggs. Humans used to be a major predator. Their
commercial fishing operations were partly responsible for the decline
of the cisco in the Great Lakes.
Do They Reproduce?
The spawning season for cisco starts in late fall (usually late November)
just as or a little before the ice forms on the water. The spawning sites
are commonly in shallow water (1-5 m deep) over bottoms of clean rock,
gravel, or sand. In the Great Lakes spawning often occurs in much deeper
water (3-15 m). Two or more males escort a female as she swims to the
bottom. As she nears the bottom, she releases her eggs and the males fertilize
them. The eggs sink to the bottom and stick to the surfaces of bottom
materials. They receive no care from the parents. A single female may
lay 3,000-15,000 eggs depending on her size. The embryos develop over
the winter and hatch the following spring. Unlike newly hatched trout
and salmon, cisco larvae swim up from the bottom within a few days and
begin feeding. It takes several more weeks before their fins are fully
and Management
Cisco used to be an
important commercial fish in the Great Lakes. Their populations are now
very low in all but Lake Superior, and very few commercial fishers now
fish for them. In some inland lakes in the fall, a limited amount of non-commercial
gill netting is permitted for this species. A small number of people do
this. There are also a few anglers who fish specifically for cisco in
winter and in the early summer when ciscoes feed on emerging insects.
Permission is granted for the non-commercial educational
or scientific use of the text and images on this Web document. Please credit
the author or authors listed below.
Photographs by Konrad P. Schmidt
Text by Nicole Paulson & Jay T. Hatch in
cooperation with
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' MinnAqua Aquatic Program
This page developed with funds from the
MinnAqua Program
(Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fisheries)
and the
Sport Fish Restoration
Program (Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior)
Maintained by Jay T. Hatch
General College and James
Ford Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/St.