In a Name?
Fathead minnow:
refers to the enlarged head of breeding males
(pie-meff´-al´-ezz) means "fathead" in Greek
promelas (pro-mell´-oss) literally "before black" in
Greek, possibly referring to the darkened head of the original specimen

Do They Live?
Fathead minnows are found in every drainage in Minnesota. It is the most
common species of minnow in the state. They live in many kinds of lakes
and streams, but are especially common in shallow, weedy lakes; bog ponds;
low-gradient, turbid (cloudy) streams; and ditches. These habitats often
have no predators and low oxygen levels. Fatheads are noted for their ability
to withstand low oxygen levels. Fatheads commonly occur with white
suckers, bluntnose minnows, common shiners,
northern redbelly dace, creek
chubs, and young-of-the-year black bullheads. |

Big Do They Get?
Long Do They Live?
Fatheads only grow to about 65-70 mm (2.6-2.8 in), and males grow bigger
than females. Most of these little fish live for only 1 year. Less than
20 % of 1-year-olds live to 2 years old. On rare occasions a fathead makes
it to 3 years old.
Do They Eat?
Fathead minnows are considered an opportunist feeder. They eat just about
anything that they come across, such as algae, protozoa (like ameba), plant
matter, insects (adults and larvae), rotifers, and copepods. |
Eats Them?
In lakes and deeper streams, fatheads are common prey for crappies,
rock bass, perch, walleyes,
largemouth bass, and northern
pike. They also are eaten by snapping turtles, herons, kingfishers,
and terns. Eggs of the fathead are eaten by painted turtles and certain
large leeches. Although humans do not eat fatheads, they harvest them
as bait.
Do They Reproduce?
Spawning season for the fathead minnow starts in late May to early June
when water temperature exceeds 16° C (about 60° F). It goes into
mid-August when the water temperatures begin to cool. About 30 days before
a male begins to spawn, he develops dark coloration, breeding tubercles
(which resembles little horns) on his head, and a soft mucus-like pad
on his back between his head and dorsal fin. The male selects the nest
site, which normally is under an object such as a log, rock, stick, pop
can, or whatever may be dumped at the bottom of the waterway. The bottom
of the waterway is commonly made up of gravel or sand, which easily can
be moved. The male excavates enough of the bottom to be able to fit easily
under the nest object. He then defends it aggressively from all other
fatheads. Often females have to be very persistent to gain admission to
the nest. Once the female enters the nest she turns upside down and lays
her sticky eggs on the underside of the nest object. She then leaves to
either spawn with another male or go back to where she came from. After
the female leaves the nest, the male then fertilizes the eggs. The male
not only guards his incubating eggs; he fans them with his fins and massages
them with his back pad. This keep them clean and well oxygenated. Other
females may add eggs to the nest as the spawn season goes on. The male
continues his care until all of the eggs hatch. Females produce clutches
of eggs (groups of eggs that become ready for spawning at the same time).
Each clutch may contain 80-370 eggs. Most females probably spawn several
clutches in a season. We do not know the actual number. The embryos hatch
in about 4-6 days.
and Management
Fathead minnows are
probably the most abundant minnow in Minnesota, and so they have no special
conservation status. Fatheads are the premier bait minnow in Minnesota
and are collected from the wild by anglers and commercial bait dealers.
They also are reared in ponds for the bait industry.
"Cool Fact":
The fathead minnow was used in the past as a form of mosquito control
in many Metro Area ponds, ditches, and sloughs.
Permission is granted for the non-commercial educational
or scientific use of the text and images on this Web document. Please credit
the author or authors listed below.
Photographs by Konrad P. Schmidt
Text by Nicole Paulson & Jay T. Hatch in
cooperation with
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' MinnAqua Aquatic Program
This page developed with funds from the
MinnAqua Program
(Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fisheries)
and the
Sport Fish Restoration
Program (Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior)
Maintained by Jay T. Hatch
General College and James
Ford Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/St.