In a Name?
Lake trout:
named for the habitat in which it is found
Salvelinus (sal-veh-lynn´-us)
taken from
a word meaning "little salmon"
namaycush (nam´-ay-cush)
a Native American name, translated as "tyrant of the lakes"

Do They Live?
Lake trout in Minnesota live primarily in Lake Superior and many of the
deep, cold lakes of St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties. They also occur
in a few lakes of the upper Mississippi River drainage. They were introduced
to Grindstone Lake near Sandstone many years ago. Lake trout only do well
in lakes where the water temperature does not exceed 18° C (65°
F). They spend most of their time in the deep water where there is plenty
of oxygen and no vegetation. Other species that occur in the same habitat
include lake whitefish, bloaters, burbot,
and deepwater sculpins. |

Big Do They Get?
Long Do They Live?
In Lake Superior, lake trout reach 114.3cm (45 in) or more and can weigh
over 18.2 kg (40 lbs). They are usually smaller in inland lakes, and even
in Lake Superior you are most likely to catch lakers in the range of 450-650
mm (18-26 in) and about 1.4-2 kg (3-4.5 lbs). Minnesota's state record
for lake trout is a whopping 19.7-kg (43 lbs 5 oz). It was caught from
Lake Superior in Cook County. Lake trout commonly reach the ages of 12-16,
but they can live for 25 years.
Do They Eat?
Young lake trout first eat a diet of copepods and waterfleas. Then add opossum
shrimp. Adult trout eat mostly fish including ciscoes,
bloaters, smelt, and cottids. Other things that have turned up in lake trout
stomachs are freshwater sponges, both aquatic (water) and terrestrial (land)
insects, shrews, and even yellow warblers. |
Eats Them?
Young lake trout are eaten by a variety of piscivorous (fish-eating) fishes.
Adults have very few predators because they live in deep waters. Their
major predator, besides humans, is the sea lamprey, which has contributed
greatly to the decline of lake trout populations in the Great Lakes.
Do They Reproduce?
Lake trout spawn in the fall, mostly in October though early November,
when water temperature falls below 10° C (50° F). They spawn over boulder
beds where water currents keep the rocks clear of silt. Lake trout do
not dig nests, but the early arriving males clear away algae, slime, and
any other debris by fanning the rocks with their fins and scraping them
with their bodies. Males are not territorial and they do not fight over
females. Spawning takes place over the rock as males press along side
of females. Sometimes two males and one female are involved. Sometimes
several males and females form a spawning group. Each fish will repeat
the spawning act many times over a period of days or weeks. The fertilized
eggs sink to the rock bottom and fall into the protective crevices. Here
the current of the passing water keeps the eggs oxygenated and silt free.
A single female may lay 2,000-20,000 eggs depending on her size. The embryos
develop for 4 to 5 months and hatch into alevins (free swimming embryos)
then in February and March. The alevins live in the rock crevices for
another few weeks while they finish their fin development. Then they disperse
into the lake.
and Management
Lake trout used to
be a very important commercial fish in the Great Lakes. A combination
of predation by the sea lamprey, declines in the cisco populations (their
main food), and overfishing caused their populations to go way down. Today
they are recovering in Lake Superior, but they probably will never return
to their previous numbers. The lake now has exotic competitors, like coho
and chinook salmon, as well as exotic forage fish like smelt and alewives.
The ecosystem is a very different one from what it was when the lake trout
was king.
Fact": For
many years the Canadian and American governments have been working to
control the sea lampreys in the Great Lakes. They do this by using poisons
that selectively kill larval sea lampreys.
Permission is granted for the non-commercial educational
or scientific use of the text and images on this Web document. Please credit
the author or authors listed below.
Photographs by Konrad P. Schmidt
Text by Ted Halpern, Nicole Paulson,& Jay
T. Hatch in cooperation with
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' MinnAqua Aquatic Program
This page developed with funds from the
MinnAqua Program
(Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fisheries)
and the
Sport Fish Restoration
Program (Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior)
Maintained by Jay T. Hatch
General College and James
Ford Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/St.