About the College

Teacher Education at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities

CEHD Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development is to contribute to a just and sustainable future through engagement with local and global communities to enhance human learning and development at all stages of the life span.


The College will advance research, teaching, and community engagement to increase opportunities for all individuals to have a successful start in life and to foster healthy human development, and will provide programs that meet the demands of the 21st century.

Teacher Preparation Conceptual Framework

Each program has a clear and consistent conceptual framework threaded throughout the program that is research-based, results-oriented, and focused on the skills teachers need to be effective. See your program’s syllabi and informational materials for more details.

CEHD Statement on Diversity and Inclusion of Education and Human Development

CEHD focuses on the human condition in educational, family, and social settings and is committed to improving these settings, and by so doing, the human condition for all. The murder of George Floyd in our city makes all the more urgent our efforts to address racism and inequities, and dismantle and redesign the structures, policies, and practices that reproduce them. Minnesota has some of the largest employment, income, and educational achievement and opportunity gaps for communities of Color in the nation. This is not just the state’s issue, it is OUR issue.

We resolve to further our efforts to move the college toward equity by establishing and enhancing private and public partnerships to achieve larger aims. We will enhance our teaching, research, and outreach to better educate the next wave of alumni committed to equity. Our faculty and staff must commit themselves to lead us forward as we each do our part to create a more just and equitable world. Our strength comes from our diversity and we achieve those larger goals by continuing to become an antiracist organization.

Moving forward, we will engage our departments and units, and the college as a whole, in that introspective process, calling each to action—noting that some members of the college have a long history of antiracist action, where others are working toward deepening their efforts. And, for some, this is the time to begin. We recognize that harm has been done, consciously and unconsciously, and realize that harm may continue to be done. Yet work must begin in concert with CEHD partners across the University, community partners and stakeholders, and community members with whom we have not yet engaged.

Please visit the CEHD Diversity & Inclusion webpage for more.

Commitment to Equal Opportunity

The University of Minnesota shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, familial status, disability, public assistance status, membership or activity in a local commission created for the purpose of dealing with discrimination, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to the Director of the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office at:

University of Minnesota
274 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

(612) 624-9547, eoaa@umn.edu
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action website

Please contact the Office of Teacher Education at ote@umn.edu or 612-625-5060 with questions.

Title IX 

As required by Title IX, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its education programs or activities, including in admissions and employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. The Title IX Coordinator for the University’s Twin Cities campus may be contacted at:

Tina Marisam
Title IX Coordinator, Twin Cities
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA)
274 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
marisam@umn.edu or eoaa@umn.edu
(612) 626-9357 or (612) 624-9547

Please see the University’s policy for information about: (1) how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, stalking or relationship violence; and (2) the University’s procedures for responding to reports and formal complaints.