Everybody Loves Raymond

Title: Everybody Loves Raymond

Date: 1998

Media type: Television

Format: Episode

TV Season-Episode: Season 2 Episode 16, “The Checkbook”

Category: Family Resource Management

Keywords: financial management

Rating: PG

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults, Couples, Parents, Families

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: When Ray is unappreciative of Debra’s efforts to maintain a proper checkbook and plan a budget, she asks him to take care of it. He ends up bouncing some important checks and the power is cut-off. He tries to borrow money from Robert and lies to him that Debra has spending issues. When he tries to rectify his mistakes with a fake checkbook and trying to put money in the bank before Debra realizes the situation, he is caught. Debra then takes over the house finance again.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: Is this a good or bad example of role delegation? How could Ray have properly handled the situations when he found his finances out of hand?

Places to view: Amazon Video, Vudu, Itunes, Hulu

Contributor: Micah Dalluge