High School Muscial

Title: High School Musical

Date: 2006

Media type: Film

Format: Complete

Category: Human Growth and Development

Keywords: adolescence, family functioning, parenting styles, type of parents

Rating: PG – Parental Guidance Suggested

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, Families

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are two teenagers that live in completely different worlds, but they meet singing Karaoke on New Year’s Eve while on Christmas vacation. When Troy goes back to school in New Mexico, he realizes that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become friends and accidentally try out for the musical together. When Troy and Gabriella get a callback, Sharpay Evans and her brother Ryan are furious because they are always the stars of the school’s productions. Gabriella has to try to juggle the play and the decathlon team and Troy has to juggle that play and the basketball team.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: What are the differences in parenting styles between Gabriella’s parents and Troy’s parents?

Places to view: Amazon Video, Itunes

Contributor: Krista Hamann