The Lizzie McGuire Movie

Title: The Lizzie McGuire Movie

Date: 2003

Media type: Film

Format: Complete

Category: Human Growth and Development

Keywords: adolescence, social and cultural influences, types of parents

Rating: PG – Parental Guidance Suggested

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, Families

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Lizzie McGuire has graduated from middle school and her class is going to Rome, Italy. Her and her best friend Gordo go along. Instead of doing the normal sightseeing with her class, Lizzie meets Italia teen-pop idol Paolo. Lizzie has a striking resemblance to Paolo’s ex-singing partner Isabella, and as a result, Paolo tries to rope her into impersonating Isabella. The movie follows Lizzie as she abandons her school trip and becomes a teen pop star.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: How do Lizzie’s parents parent her from across the world? Do you think that they could have done anything differently to keep Lizzie from her rebellious behavior?

Places to view: Itunes, Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play

Contributor: Krista Hamann