Instructions Not Included

Title: Instructions Not Included

Date: 2013

Media type: Film

Format: Complete

Category: Parenting, Families in Society

Keywords: types of parent, biological, non-biological, fathering, social and cultural influences, work and family

Rating: PG-13

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, College Age, Parents, Adults, Families

Language: Spanish, English

Film/Episode Summary: A young playboy receives a gift–a child. He makes a trip to the United States to find the mother but after a near death experience, he becomes a stuntman from an attempt to save his daughter. He makes a living in California not only living a dangerous life as a stunt man but also as a single-parent dad. The father-daughter duo gets interrupted when the mom comes into the picture.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: What would bring Valentin to immediately forget about his past to raise his child? How would you explain Valentin’s and Maggie’s relationship from the time she was an infant to an adolescent 6 year old? Describe Valentin’s character development from a bachelor to a father.

Places to view: Netflix

Contributor: Paying Lee