Love Actually

Title: Love Actually

Date: 2003

Media type: Film

Category: Internal Dynamics of Families, Human Sexuality, Parenting, Human Growth and Development

Keywords: stress and coping, family relationship, middle childhood, adolescence, parent-child relationships, step-fathering

Rating: R

Audience(s): College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: A romantic comedy set in London. The film follows10 intertwining love stories. All of the stories collide for the climax on Christmas Eve.

Clip Description: Sam, a young boy, has just experienced the death of his mother. His stepfather finds out that he is not just coping with this, but also the experience of a developing first love. Rather than ask and assuming who “she” is, the stepfather asks Sam who “he/she is” and supports the young boy in understanding the feeling of love regardless of age.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes, Showtime

Contributor: Jessica Shankman