Modern Family

Title: Modern Family

Date: 2012

Media type: Television

Format: Clip

TV Season-Episode: Season 3 episode 22, “Disneyland”

Category: Internal Dynamics of Families

Keywords: conflict management, communication

Rating: PG

Audience(s): Children Under 12, High School Age, College Age, Parents, Couples, Families, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Gloria and Jay bicker over Gloria’s choice of shoes for the park. Jay told her before they leave home to not wear heels but she did not listen to him. Now her feet hurt but she refuses to admit that she was wrong and she is grumpy. Jay buys her a pair of slippers and she immediately gets happy thanking Jay for his gift.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: Discuss why Jay decided to be kind to Gloria despite her being angry at him. How might have his  turning towards her have helped their marriage in the future? How did he do at asking her about a potential issue later in the clip? Was he doing well at conflict resolution?

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Hulu

Contributor: Micah Dalluge