Tag Archives: death

Life as we Know It

Title: Life as we Know It

Date: 2010

Media Type: Film

Rating: PG 13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned

Audience(s): College Age, Adults, Parents, Couples

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary:The movie follows Holly and Messer as they raise a little girl named Sophie. Sophie’s parents died when she was a few months old and they left Holly and Messer to care for her, but Sophie’s parents never told the pair that. As the film plays out, Holly and Messer figure out how to navigate parenthood while also being heavily invested in their careers.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes

Contributor: Krista Hamann

Lars and the Real Girl

Title: Lars and the Real Girl

Date: 2007

Media type: Film

Category: Internal Dynamics of Families

Keywords: ethical practice, family trauma, loss, death

Rating: PG 13

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults, Parents, Couples, Families

Language: English

Comment or Recommendations for Teaching: Demonstrate and analyze from a family or systemic theory perspective. Ethical decision making when working with individuals and families.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes

Contributor: Anonymous