Tag Archives: infant development


Title: Babies

Date: 2010

Media type: Documentary

Category: Families in Society

Keywords: Parenting, Human Growth and Development, Families in Society, Cultural Influences, Infant Development

Rating: PG

Audience(s): College Age, Adults, Parents, Couples, Families

Language: Little verbal dialogue

Film/Episode Summary: This documentary/film follows four children, each from different countries (Namibia, Japan, Mongolia, and the USA), from birth through the first year of life. With the guidance of a facilitator and/or written prompts to consider while viewing, it helps to illustrate the following concepts that are commonly discussed in family science: cultural and other environmental influences; diversity within diversity (every child in these specific countries will not be raised in exactly the same way); universal aspects of development; context-specific aspects of development; the multiple systems of the bioecological model; personal biases related to human development, parenting, and other family dynamics; operant learning; and infant social, cognitive, and physical development. The entire film allows for a discussion of many topics, but many clips are also helpful for illustrating specific concepts during a lecture.

Places to view: focusfeatures.com/babies

Contributor: Erica Jordan