Tag Archives: parent-child relationships

Switched at Birth

Title: Switched at Birth

Date: 2011

Media type: Television

Format: Clip

TV Season-Episode: Season 1, Ep. 8

Category: Families in Society, Internal Dynamics of Families, Parenting

Keywords: family demographics, family relationships, parent-child relationships, types of parents

Rating: TV-14

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Parents, Adults, Families

Language: English, ASL

Film/Episode Summary: Bay and Daphne were switched at birth. Growing up in different households they knew they did not feel as if they were a part of the family. Bay took a blood test at school and found out she was not biologically related to the Kennish family. Daphne and Bay were reunited alongside of both families.

Clip Start Time: 31

Clip Description: The Kennish family and Daphne finds out that Regina knew about the switch the hospital made when Daphne and Bay were 3 years old. Regina claims that she did it because it was the right thing to do for everyone. The Kennish couple is upset that Regina did not come to them during that time when she knew of the switch. Bay was disappointed knowing that Regina did not come for her when the switch was revealed 12 years ago.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: What would bring Regina to become sober and find a better life as a single parent? Regina did not want to reveal the switch to the Kennish family; why would she remain it a secret? How would you explain the different reactions from Bay and Daphne?

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Google Play, Freeform.go.com/shows-switched-at-birth

Contributor: Paying Lee

Girl Most Likely

Title: Girl Most Likely

Date: 2012

Media type: Film

Format: Clip

Category: Parenting, Internal Dynamics of Families

Keywords: parent-child relationships, types of parent (single), stress and coping, conflict management

Rating: PG-13

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Parents, Families, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: Imogene is forced to spend time at her mom’s house after pretending to be suicidal to win her ex-boyfriend back. She and her mom have a tense relationship and it worsens when Imogene realizes that her mom lied to her about her dad’s death. She expereinces another lifestyle while living under the roof of her mom, brother, and her mom’s tenant.

Clip Start Time: 0.059722222222

Clip Description: Imogene discovers that her father was not the loving and brilliant man she thought he ought to be.  Imogene realizes why her mom had to lie to her and her brother about the “death” of her father. She forgives her mom and they improved their relationship.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: Imogene’s mom was afraid of rejection when wanting to ask for forgiveness. Why would this be a concern to her? How was Imogene able to forgive her mom even though she was lied to and figured out the truth about who her dad really is without her mom’s help?

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes

Contributor: Paying Lee

Love Actually

Title: Love Actually

Date: 2003

Media type: Film

Category: Internal Dynamics of Families, Human Sexuality, Parenting, Human Growth and Development

Keywords: stress and coping, family relationship, middle childhood, adolescence, parent-child relationships, step-fathering

Rating: R

Audience(s): College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: A romantic comedy set in London. The film follows10 intertwining love stories. All of the stories collide for the climax on Christmas Eve.

Clip Description: Sam, a young boy, has just experienced the death of his mother. His stepfather finds out that he is not just coping with this, but also the experience of a developing first love. Rather than ask and assuming who “she” is, the stepfather asks Sam who “he/she is” and supports the young boy in understanding the feeling of love regardless of age.

Places to view: Youtube, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, Itunes, Showtime

Contributor: Jessica Shankman