Tag Archives: soceital trends in parenting


Title: 30-Rock

Date: 2012

Media type: Television

Format: Episode

TV Season-Episode: Season 6, Ep.3

Category: Families in Society, Parenting

Keywords: work and family, societal trends in parenting

Rating: TV-14

Audience(s): High School Age, College Age, Adults

Language: English

Film/Episode Summary: To help mend the image of his company which has come under fire due to the racist, sexist, and homophobic remarks made by Tracy Jordan, Jack Donaghy hires his long time business rival Devon Banks to help with public relations with the LGBT communtity. Devon agrees to do so on the agreement that Jack will get his tripplets into the most prestigious preschool in New York. After completing their deal Devon confronts Jack with the fact that all of the strings he had pulled to get Devon’s children into the preschool means that he will not be able to get his own daughter Liddy in.

Clip Start Time: 0.71527777778

Clip Description: When Devon confronts Jack with the fact that his children will now have a leg up on Jack’s daughter due to the favors Jack called in on Devon’s behalf. Jack breifly worries but then comes to the realization that though Devon had the best education money could buy and Jack came from humble means, Jack still ended up defeating Devon in the business world.

Comments or Recommendations for Teaching: When Devon confronts Jack with the fact that his children will now have a leg up on Jack’s daughter due to the favors Jack called in on Devon’s behalf. Jack breifly worries but then comes to the realization that though Devon had the best education money could buy and Jack came from humble means, Jack still ended up defeating Devon in the business world.

Places to view: Amazon Video, Hulu, Netflix, Itunes

Contributor: Ian Brunzell-Looney