Bangkok by Dave Zablocki

We’ve only just gotten to Bangkok, yesterday, and it’s already certain it is a different animal than the rest of Thailand. When we first got to Bangkok I honestly thought of Chicago, then New York City. Two very large cities I’m relatively familiar with. The city is a city, a very large city with what I think to be beautiful modern sky scrapers. However, it still is Thailand and that’s obvious as soon as one steps onto the street outside our hotel. I say that because markets fill the sidewalks with little shops, scooters fill the streets, and the weather is wonderful – if you like it hot. Last night a couple of friends and I went to a part of Bangkok with markets and bars that’s a popular destination with tourists; we got the tip to go there from a travel book. It turned out there was probably a 1:1 ratio of “farangs” and Thais – and the 1 Thai was probably working. Yet, we had a fantastic time. The city feels busy like a NYC but has a relaxed sense like somewhere ocean side in California. It has a sky train that’s easy to navigate and plenty of different forms of taxi. The view from my hotel window is gorgeous and fills me with energy. Once again, Thailand has caught me by surprise and I’m eager to get out and do more exploring.

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