Hello from Bangkok! We are all in a new city, and it is all very exciting. We arived from Chiang Rai yesterday afternoon. Today we toured around the Royal Palace and Temples. It was very beautiful. I liked learning about the buildings and how the Thai people relate to those spiritual locations.
Following that, we all went to a school that tought traditional Thai Massage. It was interesting to learn their methods. It was also nice to know what kinks of classes they offer. The traditional massage has to do with much more than what Americans do in relation to a massage. The Thai way uses the whole body (from the feet to the head). For some reason I always thought that a massage only worked with a person’s back. All the students were lucky enough to get a massage at the end of the sesson. It was very relaxing and enjoyable.
After that, we all traveled to a market where we did a scavanger hunt. It was fun, but a bit time consuming. It pushed us all to travel around the entire market in order to locate the items on the list. I thought it was super fun, and I think we learned a lot.
I hope that everyone takes care back home, and I will post again soon.