A little over one week after arriving in Thailand, I feel like I’ve been here for a month. I’ve experienced so much and the group of students here are a great time to be around. I feel more open to people and able to make connections that I felt that I couldn’t before.
New Years was a crazy fun night. The sight of lanterns filling the night sky over the bustling city is a sight I will never forget. Leading the pack of students through the crowded market with my head well above the average pedestrian made me feel uniquely useful. I did nothing to influence my height, but being able to put it to use as a leader is a great feeling. I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would have rather spent the holiday.
Zip lining through the jungle on new years day was incredible. The crazy van ride through the windy mountain roads with the driver blaring his horn around every corner scar
ed me more than the ziplining itself. The views of the jungle while flying through the air passed by so quickly, but left a lasting image of what a beautiful place Thailand really is.