Blog Post #1

Blog Post #1


Unfortunately, I had a performance conflicting with attending orientation at the Wat Temple in Elk River. My current understanding of Thai culture is fairly limited, based only on light reading. From what I know, Thai culture is heavily influenced by religion. Respect, control, compassion and a large value for family are woven into Thai culture. Self-control and outward politeness inform daily interaction.  I hope that reading other student responses can add to my familiarity.


I hope to challenge myself and expand my understanding of our changing world. Specifically, I hope to grow in respectful appreciation and understanding for a way of life that is far different from my own. I am excited to learn from and interact with new individuals!




One thought on “Blog Post #1”

  1. I think that even though you weren’t able to attend the orientation, we all can help you out! I know personally my post doesn’t include very specific information, but I hope it helps somewhat. I also think that we’ll essentially be in the same boat when we get there because it’s different seeing it for a few hours vs. being immersed in it. I’m looking to challenge myself in the same ways you are, and also to challenge myself to appreciate the differences between our cultures that might initially frustrate me or not make sense; I really want to use this experience to open my mind more.

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