Chiang Rai Night Market Now

It was three years ago that I came to the Chiang Rai night market. At that time, I was a high school senior and about to graduate. I came with the Hmong class of my school and Harding High School, located in Saint Paul Minnesota. We explored parts of Bangkok, Chiang Rai, and Chiang Mai. I specifically remembered the night market in Chiang Rai. It wasn’t too big compared to the one is Chiang Mai or the stores in Bangkok, but I made many memories at this night market.

General area of the market pre-Covid – picture from

Back then, all stores and shops were opened. There was not a single closed shop that I can remember. The place was filled with tourists. The singing stage was loud and joyful with many sitting and listening to the live singing. It was simply a cheerful night. I can remember walking around and buying socks from one of the shop. Maybe not me directly, but my friend did. I bought some custom-made necklaces for my siblings.

Food court of the night pre-Covid – picture from

Now, fast forward three years and the year is already 2022. I have returned once again to the market. To my surprise, it is not how I remembered it anymore. Shops are closed with few remaining. There are almost no tourists in sight. The live singing is not gathering enough support. The overall situation is not as vibrant and unique like how it used to be. Why is this?

General area of the market in 2022 – picture taken by me
Food court area of the market in 2022 – picture taken by me

Thailand’s economy heavily rely on the tourism industry. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Thailand took a major hit. The pandemic made it impossible for tourists to come into Thailand. A huge percentage of their revenue drop down and many shops had to close down for alternatives. This was especially hard for night markets. Night markets rely on having numerous people exploring and shopping there. This is what makes night markets so fascinating, especially for tourists. Night market allow for a shopping experience like never before, which is through the exciting night atmosphere. It allows for interaction among the locals and learning of cultural difference, importance, and lifestyle. In addition, there are live performances that entices attraction to the market, such as singing and cultural performances. Without a constant traffic of people, all of this is just not possible and enough to continue striving.

Moving forward, I am not sure how the night markets will overcome this obstacle. There have been a major shift towards online shopping too over the past two years. It will be really difficult for night markets to go back to its peak. There is also the possibility that night markets will be change forever, or if it can even recover. At least, for now, a good step into bringing back the vibrant culture that is night markets is to reopen the shops and attractions. This may prove to be difficult given government restriction and lack of profits. But, without a first step, there is no destination.

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