Cost, Cutoff Scores, Resources
Q. Where can I find resources for successfully completing edTPA?
A. edTPA website ( has a plethora of useful resources for candidates. “Candidates” page helps you navigate the edTPA system through many practical “how-to” guides: registration, video recording, portfolio submission process and scoring timelines, etc.
Also, your faculty adviser will provide additional preparation resources, including your edTPA handbook, a supplemental “Making Good Choices” manual, edtpa templates, video consent forms, and other pertinent materials.
Q: What is the cost involved in edTPA?
A. Our teacher candidates pay a special institution discount rate of $270 because of an agreement Minnesota has with Pearson for a 10% reduction of the $300 fee. The student pays Pearson the $300 registration fee, following the directions provided by OTE. The student will receive $30 back from Pearson once they submit their edTPA portfolio.
Q: What are the MN performance expectations for teacher candidates on edTPA?
A. For Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB), only proof that you have submitted your edTPA to Pearson is a required component of your application for license. However, your program may set a specific edTPA benchmark for completing your licensure program. Consult your faculty adviser for a program specific requirement on the edTPA.
At the program level, a minimum of 70% of candidates in each licensure program must achieve the recommended score for each edTPA task in order for the program to meet continuing approval expectations set by PELSB.
These minimum scores are:
All edTPA areas except World and Classic Languages
Planning: 13 |
World Languages and Classical Languages
Planning: 10 |
Note: You will receive a PowerPoint presentation on how to register for your edTPA from the Office of Teacher Education (OTE) prior to the term you complete your edTPA.
Q. I already have an account for the MTLE, do I need to create a new one?
A. Yes. The MTLE and edTPA Assessment are two different options within, you should select the “Create an Account Now” option.
Q. When registering, you are asked to select a “Platform”, what is the University of Minnesota platform?
A. Choose “Pearson ePortfolio System” for your edTPA platform and follow the instructions. Review an online training manual of the Pearson ePortfolio system for an overview of the assessment process and instructions.
Q. I am not sure what the name of my edTPA Assessment is, where can I locate it?
A. The specific name of your edTPA Assessment should match that of your handbook. When you are asked to select your specific assessment, there is a small hyperlink titled Minnesota that details those Assessments offered, use this to confirm. If you are still unsure, please contact the Office of Teacher Education.
Q. What is my educator background program?
A. As a student of the University of Minnesota, College of Education, you should choose the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities from the drop down that appears.
Q. During the registration process, I was asked to designate a Use of Materials option. Should I select “Yes” or “No”?
A. The University of Minnesota complies with the wishes of our partner schools in this regard. Accordingly, please select “No. I do not give my permission to use my edTPA submission for continued program improvement activities.”
Q. When registering should I select one reason for assessment?
A. In this area of registration, you should select “Both of the above” referencing that this is an educator preparation program requirement as well as a state certification requirement.
Q. I need my scores to be reported not just in Minnesota but in other states, how do I do this?
A. There is a section within registration that specifically notes the ability to report scores to additional states. Select the states from the dropdown menu. If interested, you are able to choose multiple states from the following available options: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin.
Important Note:
If you choose to move to a state that requires edTPA, it is expected that you meet the edTPA minimum scores specific to the state. Be sure to review the chart of minimum edTPAscores amongst edTPA adopted states.
Q. Where can I get my voucher number?
A. The cost of the edTPA is included in your course fee, as such, you should receive a voucher number from your instructor via email. If you cannot find this number, or are unsure about whether you paid already or not, please contact the Office of Teacher Education.
Q. My lesson was recorded in a language other than English, do I have to designate that somewhere in the registration process?
A. Yes, you will be asked to note if your materials are in a language other than English. If they are, select the appropriate answer, most currently, “Yes the materials are in a language other than English.” Be sure to also check the languages listed within this section. If your materials are also not in a language listed there, you will need to contact the office to provide translation services.
Document Preparation and Upload
Q. The handbooks mention using the “Lesson Plan template” when writing our lesson plans for the edTPA. Does that mean there is a required lesson plan format that we have to follow when writing our lesson plans?
A. The “Lesson Plan Template” referred to in the handbooks is more like a fillable form that you will paste your lesson plans and other instructional materials in. The edTPA has no required lesson plan formats that you must write your lesson plan in; however, your program may require you to use a specific lesson plan format for this assessment.
Q. Do I need to leave the guided information and questions in the edTPA templates and begin answering the questions below, or where it says “Start Response Here”?
A. Yes. Please begin your response AFTER the question/instructions. The questions must be left in the template so the scorers will know what question you are responding to.
Q. Where can I find information about the type of equipment I need to use for recording the edTPA video clips?
A. The University has recommended equipment and the video sectionof this webspace provides directions in how to rent and use this equipment as well.
Q. What do I need to capture in my edTPA Video Clips?
A. Each program area has its own specific requirements for video clip content. Refer to your program’s edTPA Handbook for video specifications.
Q. Can students copy and paste their materials into the Live Versions of the edTPA handbooks?
A. No. Candidates submit their materials for each edTPA task in Pearson provided TEMPLATES, not in the Live Handbooks.
Q. Can faculty access my edTPA work on the Pearson ePortfolio system?
A. You can ask your edTPA instructor to review/comment on any task you uploaded on the Pearson platform. This request must be made while you are still working on your tasks, before officially submitting to Pearson). Review an edTPA tutorial video on how to request faculty feedback.
Q. What should candidates do with all of the consent forms they receive from their students? Do they need to be collected and filed away?
A. Students are responsible for collecting and filing all consent forms for the edTPA. The forms are available in Arabic, English, Hmong, Spanish, Somali, and Vietnamese. Refer to the edTPA Video Consent Guidelines for more detailed information.
Q. Where and how do I submit my edTPA portfolio?
A. You upload all of your edTPA materials (commentaries, video clips, student work samples, etc.) on the Pearson ePortfolio system platform. Make sure to thoroughly review an online training manual of the Pearson ePortfolio system and follow its overview of the assessment process and submission instructions.
Q. What is the edTPA submission timeline? A. Your program will inform you of the deadline for submission of your edTPA portfolio. Please remember that you must have submitted your edTPA before applying for your license. Allow adequate time to upload and review your files prior to your submission date.
The submission and reporting dates can be found on edTPA website.
For more information about edTPA Support from the College of Education and Human Development, please contact the Office of Teacher Education at