Hillary Goodner, Instructional Technology Fellow – Family Social Science

What do you love most about the work that you do?
What I love most about the work that I do is making positive impacts on student experiences and seeing them succeed in their educational journey.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Northern Iceland – best sightseeing, natural environment, food, adventures, etc. that I have had on a vacation.
What are 3 things we probably don’t know about you?
I was a competitive gymnast, I have a master’s degree in geology with an emphasis in geophysics, I have a working knowledge of 5 different computer operating systems.
What’s your favorite quote? or Poem? or Song lyric?
Do what makes you happy each day, live life to the fullest in every way, life is too short not to have fun, enjoy the journey before it’s done. -Hulda Björk
Hillary Goodner is a doctoral student in the Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development department with an emphasis on higher education at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Hillary is currently a 3rd year PhD student preparing to study diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success in higher education. Previous to her doctoral studies she served as the lead geology instructor at Yakima Valley College (YVC) in Washington state for six years. Over her time at YVC she provided leadership and mentorship for all geoscience educators, served on the curriculum committee, diversity series committee, co-advised the Climate and Environment Club, and advised science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students. She holds a B.S. in Earth Science with a minor in Geographic Information Systems from Northern Michigan University and a M.S. in Geological Sciences (geophysics emphasis) from Central Washington University.