Jason Kang, Instructional Technology Fellow – School of Kinesiology

What do you love most about the work that you do?
I love talking to people and helping them solve problems they have. I am an extrovert and care giver in nature, so these two features of a job energize me.
What are your top three passions?
- Health and fitness. I was in civil engineering major as an undergraduate student in China. It is the passion for health and fitness that motivated me to become a PhD student in kinesiology in USA.
- Traveling. My family road tripped a lot when I was a kid. My wife and I plan to have traveled to most states in USA, so that we know which cities we like living in the most.
- Home project. It keeps me busy and adds value to the property as well…
If we asked faculty that you have worked with about you, what would they say?
Jason is hard working if he needs to. But he is good at finding easier ways to do hard jobs.
Do you have a pet? If so, tell us about it.
I have two guinea pigs, Bubble and Berber. My wife and I got them during COVID to accompany us, and also because they are so cute. They are both male and squeak SO LOUD when they smell food.
Jason is a doctoral student in the School of Kinesiology with an emphasis on biomechanics and neuromotor control at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. At the second year of his program, he is passionate about freezing of gait, a symptom of Parkinson’s disease, and its potential treatment.
Jason is passionate about communicating with and helping others. Before coming to the University of Minnesota, he worked as a personal trainer and a stretch therapist. The experience of working in fitness helped him recognize his mission to help other people achieve their goals. His career goal is to be a clinical research scientist, to help patients improve their quality of life.
Jason is the IT fellow for the School of Kinesiology, which gives him an opportunity to help more people, and also to think about the relationship between technology and humans.